Saturday 2 May 2020

May Morning - a history

Yesterday was 1st May and I thoroughly enjoyed the virtual "May Morning" recorded by Magdalen College, Oxford's choir. It was featured on the BBC here.

I had been aware of the tradition but had little knowledge of it's background. The event starts early at 6 a.m. with bells ringing, followed by the Choir singing the Hymnus Eucharisticus from the top of Magdalen Tower. It's a tradition which stretches back over 500 years and is extremely popular within the city with bars and restaurants often staying open all night to provide refreshments for those choosing to stay up until 6am. Morris dancing and folk singing has also featured in Radcliffe Square as the choir "sing in" the Spring in this unique Oxford tradition.

The choir traditionally also sings a madrigal, "Now Is the Month of Maying" following prayers for the city led by the Dean of Divinity. Large crowds of both students and Oxford residents normally gather under the tower, along the High Street, and on Magdalen Bridge. Students and fellows of Magdalen College gather in the college cloisters and on top of the other towers within the college grounds. According to Wikipedia in 2017 the event took place during the Bank Holiday weekend, and a record 27,000 people gathered to hear the choir.

Yesterday the college celebrated virtually, releasing the video below:-

The origins of the May morning celebration date from around 1505 when the Great Tower at Magdalen College was completed. The event has taken place each year in its current form since the 17th Century when "Hymnus Eucharisticus" was written by Benjamin Rogers, 17th Century Magdalen Choirmaster, musician and composer with an interesting biography.

The last section of the climb to the top of the tower is reportedly only a ladder, and not for the faint-hearted! For this reason choristers only wear short surplices over uniform rather than cassocks...
There is more on Magdalen College's own website about their virtual May morning.

If you want to test your knowledge on May Day, there is a ten question quiz here on the BBC!

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