Showing posts with label #Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Christmas. Show all posts

Saturday 12 December 2020


The third Sunday in Advent is "Refreshment Sunday", also known as Gaudete Sunday, and this year it falls on 13th December. 

"The season of Advent originated as a fast of 40 days in preparation for Christmas, commencing on the day after the feast of Saint Martin (11 November), and was originally called Saint Martin's Lent, a name by which it was known as early as the fifth century. In the ninth century, the duration of Advent was reduced to four weeks (a period starting four Sundays before Christmas), and Advent preserved most of the characteristics of a penitential season, which made it a kind of counterpart to Lent. Gaudete Sunday is a counterpart to Laetare Sunday, and provides a similar break about midway through a season which is otherwise of a penitential character, and signifies the nearness of the Lord's coming." (Wikipedia) 

On Gaudete Sunday rose-coloured vestments may be worn instead of violet which is otherwise prescribed for every day in the season of Advent, and it is therefore also known as "Rose Sunday". Rose is the liturgical colour for joy. In churches that have an Advent wreath, the rose-coloured candle is lit in addition to two of the violet candles, which represent the first two Sundays of Advent. Despite the otherwise sombre readings of the season of Advent, which recognises the need for penitence in anticipation, the readings on the third Sunday emphasises the joyous anticipation of the Lord's coming.

An advent wreath with three purple candles and the rose coloured candle to represent joy.

Gaudete means “rejoice”. and it is a reminder that the Advent season is a season of joy because our salvation is already at hand. To have a Sunday of rejoicing in the midst of the traditional Advent fast is not simply a concession to human weakness. It serves to correct spiritual pride, reminding those who fast that the whole of the Christian life is a matter of grace. John the Baptist reminds us that salvation is a gift of grace, it is not bestowed on us in return for penitence. Joy is the experience of knowing that you are unconditionally loved, it requires no external conditions, unlike happiness. 
“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice. Indeed, the Lord is near.” Philippians 4:4-5
Advent is a time of watching, waiting and listening, remembering and anticipating, renewal and wonder. On Gaudete Sunday we should rejoice in the unconditional love of God, as we anticipate the fulfilment of his gift of love at Christmas.

Thursday 26 November 2020

SMLT Grand Christmas Tree Festival

You might have noticed "Viral Music" have been quieter than usual. There is an excellent reason why - because I have been busy producing the St Mary le Tower online Grand Christmas Tree Festival!

Each year at the start of Advent St. Mary le Tower hosts a week-long Festival where we invite our community - both the church community and that of the town - to come together to prepare for Advent and the Christmas season. Our Advent Vigil of Light and Hope is usually the weekend during the week-long event, although this year the lockdown makes this impossible. 

One of the benefits of an online festival is that we can reach a wider audience. During 2020 live-streaming of our choral services has seen our congregation grow to include regular members from across the globe. This blog has been a part of that. Do visit our Festival blog, and perhaps give us a shout out on social media!

The music below is "O thou the central orb" by Charles Wood; sung by our church choir and recorded on the CD "A New Song", a full service of Advent.

The online Festival will feature seven "posts" or articles which will go "live" on this site at regular times during the day as follows:- 

8am A Children's Activity (preceded on Day 1 by a Welcome from midnight) 
10am Christmas Tree of the Day! 
12 noon Article on Advent aimed at adults 
2pm Afternoon activity for adults and young people, including recipes, craft and puzzles 
4pm Christmas fun and community features 
6pm Prayer for the Nation 
8pm Feature on music at St. Mary le Tower and the wider church community. 

There really is something for everyone and plenty on music! I hope it will brighten these dark winter days in lockdown. Do share with anyone you know who might benefit.